Mango milkshake smoothie recipe - an easy, delicious and healthy recipe of a smoothie made with mangoes and almonds. if you want to skip adding almonds then you can add coconut milk.

I make a lot of smoothies at home and the colors of this drinks inspired me so much that i had to take pics and also write a post on it. Not along go when i started blogging, i did not know that photography would become such a joy and passion for me.

Summers are the times when i make a lot of juices and smoothies at home. I also make a lot of lassi, buttermilk… Mango milkshake being the hubby’s favorite.

This is super duper easy like all milkshake. Just blend mangoes with chopped almonds with some sugar. thats it.To make it more thinner you can add ice cubes while blending. I have also added crushed cardamom to the smoothie to make it more aromatic and cooling.

Milkshake are healthy and its good to have them every day. If you want you can add milk to this smoothie while making it.

(1 CUP = 250 ML)

  • 3 ripe mangoes
  • 15 to 18 almonds (badam) or add as required
  • 2 to 3 cardamom or ¼ teaspoon cardamom powder
  • sugar as required
  • some ice cubes
  • a few mint leaves for garnishing (pudina patta) - optional
  1. Peel and chop the mangoes.
  2. crush the cardamom.
  3. Add the chopped mangoes, almonds(Coconut milk), crushed cardamom, sugar and ice cubes in a blender.
  4. Blend till smooth.
  5. Pour the smoothie in long glasses or mugs.
  6. Top with some chopped mangoes and fresh mint leaves.
  7. Serve almond mango smoothie.


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